Are you a buy to let investor or property dealer or developer?
Property tax is a bit of a maze and we can advise you on issues such as...
The sale of an individual's home is normally exempt from CGT, with neither a taxable gain or loss arising. This is certainly the case where it has been the individual's only or main residence throughout the period it has been owned, or if owned prior to 31 March 1982, then the period since then.
However there are times when a taxable gain or loss can arise. For example the profit arising on disposal may be taxable or partly taxable in any of the following situations...
Periods of absence. When the property is not occupied as the taxpayer's main home any gain that arises in those periods of absences is potentially taxable. However f some periods of absence are not chargeable, with only the excess of following periods being chargeable...
Dependent Relative Relief for pre 5th April 1988 properties. Where the property is owned on 5th April 1988 that has been continuously occupied rent free by a dependent relative since then, the property becomes exempt from CGT. This exemption ceases if there is a change of dependent relative occupier.
Here are some of the main points to be aware of...
The analysis of whether it is beneficial for a property investor to use a Limited Company can be complex and this helpsheet aims to identify some of the key advantages in considering a Limited Company for this purpose.
Any decision must be carefully weighed up after examining your own circumstances.
Here are some advantages of using a company...
Whether a limited company is right for your property empire will depend not only on the present circumstances but your plans for the future.